Isn’t it Time You Got the Fast, Secure, and Simple Home Network You Really Want?

Keep Reading to Improve Your Home Network TODAY

➡️➡️➡️ Do you know what risks are present in your home network?

If you’re like most people, you take your car to a mechanic to keep it running. The mechanic performs an inspection and recommends safety or maintenance issues to fix. You evaluate the recommendations and get second opinions. Based on all the available information, you decide what can wait and what can’t.

Notice the stakes involved. If your car fails, you and your family face great personal risk. Because this is so important, you hire a mechanic as a personal expert advisor. They have years of training and education. Their job is to empower you with information, and put YOU in charge of making risk decisions. Finally, they have the tools and know-how to fix whichever issues you decide to fix.

Now, consider–your home network and online behavior expose you to invisible but very real personal, financial, and even medical risks. Every day, people lose treasured family photos, get locked out of critical online accounts, download viruses, and even suffer online fraud losing thousands of dollars. The impact of these incidents is hard to overstate.

The worst part is that many of these risks are entirely prevented with very simple countermeasures.

I created HopOne so I could share my years of computer security and networking experience to give you the technical and behavioral measures you need to protect yourself from becoming yet another hacking victim or losing years of precious digital backups due to a power outage.

So what’s your next step? Because I want to give you the most tailored information possible, I created a way for you to rate your network in terms of speed, security, and ease of management. This will serve as a first “inspection” to help you understand the risks you face in your digital life and give you FREE recommendations.

If you are curious to know a little more about my education and knowledge, please scroll down the page. Otherwise, please click through and take your FREE 2-minute Home Network Scorecard.


I am a tech enthusiast.

I am a network administrator.


I am a computer intrusion expert.

Above all, I am a learner and teacher.


Fix Your Most Glaring Network Issues Now!

Take this 2-minute scorecard to get personalized recommendations from a network administration and computer intrusion specialist to immediately improve your home network.

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